Dear God of Words,
I guess I picked an easy word to ask You about. Not because I don’t get it, but more because it doesn’t seem to work. The word is 'Faith'. You know like the 'Faith can move mountains' type of thing. I’ve had a lot of mountains, God. I come to you and I ask you to move them. Then I sit, clamp my eyes shut, grit my teeth and wait. I keep saying, “He’s going to move it! He’s going to move it.” And then I open my eyes and lo and behold, the mountain’s still right there. Care to explain, God?

Dear Unmoved,
I hope you can bear with me while I share a little analogy with you. I hope you like honey…
If I offered you a beehive and a jar of bees, which one would you pick? On the one hand, we have a beehive dripping with honey. You can have it bottled in no time and your honey needs for the month are met. On the other hand is a jar full of live bees (Don’t ask me how I got them into the jar. All I’ll say is the reason they only have a queen is that they know who their King is!) Now you can take either one but you must realize with the hive you only get a limited amount of honey, but with the bees, the supply could possibly be endless.
Coming to your question, what if there too, I’m offering you a choice. Would you rather pick the miracle or Me, the God of the miracle? Say I move your mountain today, what’s to say you won’t just hit another one tomorrow?
But say, I don’t move your mountain, can you imagine the possibilities that would lie before us? Maybe I could help you build a plane and we could fly right over mountain together. Or perhaps, a few months of working out and getting your legs strong enough, we could climb to the other side. Or how about we go for a nice hike together; get to know each other better? We might actually enjoy having the mountain around, eventually. With any of these solutions, the next mountain will hardly be an ordeal.
Now, the point I make is simple. You can have faith in Me and I can move your mountain, but what if I was willing to do something even better for you? Sure, it would take a lot more time and might hurt a little more than a bee sting, but it’s been my observation that the ones that pick Me, always turn out much happier.
But Unmoved, there is something you must know. I am the God who sees. I see your hurt as you run into that mountain, headfirst. I see you wait for years for the mountain to be gone. I see all of your pain. I must say, there are times that I’d much rather cast that mountain into the heart of the sea.
There was a lady, a long time ago. She followed My Son in a crowded street. She didn’t shout out for her mountain to be moved. She didn’t grit her teeth or clench her fists. No! In her desperate mind she simply thought, “If only I could get close enough, if only my hand could brush His cloak, maybe my mountain will disappear.”
I tell you, Unmoved, My Son didn’t know who touched Him (Well, being like me, He still had access to all knowledge but He chose to make limited use of it. Loaded bank account but left my card at home, kind of thing.) But I saw. I saw, His cloak was touched and My Spirit healed her. All of Trinity moved and that mountain didn’t stand a chance.
What I ask of you, Unmoved, is this - will you trust Me to know the difference? You have faith that I can move your mountain, will you also put your faith in Me to know if I should? I wonder if I could move you to have the faith that I know whether your mountain is an obstacle or an opportunity…
The God of the Mountains